"A short sequence shown on television between programmes to identify the channel"
"The BBC, (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a British Service Broadcaster (which includes radio, television, and other electronic media outlets) - the BBC are the largest broadcaster in the world, founded in 1922. Their networth is over £5.6 billion."
"Distribution of audio and video content to be distributed by an audience"
For my question specifically targets the television aspect of the company - "the regionalised television service for local news and programmes throughout the day", this is to further down the research and make it easier for myself, as I don't have a long time to present the PDF. Although television has been broadcasted since as late as 1927, I'm going to focus specifically on the more "modern" era of the BBC (between 2007 and onwards)
The BBC has 9 television channels currently in circulation: from the more well known BBC ONE all the way to the Children's television channel CBEEBIES to BBC Parliament - which looks primarily at the government and House of Commons
I've further narrowed down the channels to the main three, as they're the ones with the most history, re-branding and primarily the Ident which is what I wanted to look at: BBC ONE, BBC TWO, and BBC THREE.
I started planning out what I wanted the PDF to look like as it would enable me to have more "flow" to my presentation and know what was best to explain. I also wanted to answer questions and talk in a more informal tone, as this was what I'd be comfortable with.