My first feedback for my project was from Jay. At this stage, the only work I had was initial sketches on what I wanted my final piece to look like and a starter to test out the graphic styles I wanted. Jay led me on the right track to inspire me for further research methods and to continue working at the pace I was set on.
The first idea I was given was using the fox as a way of portraying myself. Because the project I'd chosen to undertake involved me personally and looking at who I am as a person instead of just the general concept, a fox was obviously very meaningful to me. I love the animal and related somewhat to it. I'd drawn out a style I wanted to play with just using a googled image of a fox as a base; Jay was really great at telling me that maybe this is a way of intertwining animals and moods with the project - to look at both and see how they could fit in. Based on spirit animals and totems, an animal can be attached to a certain persona or mood and thus be fit in with a person.
It was really great to get someone else's ideas into my project as I'd never considered keeping the animal before, it was initially just a base to work upon in development. This made me want to keep the fox and try and intertwine him somehow into the final piece. I'd also settled upon a huge A3 illustration to work towards, something I'd never done before. I really wanted to research and develop a lot instead of being set on one idea.