Following up on the sketches I drew, I started working on what I wanted to be my final piece. My idea was constantly changing - whether to make two sides of my contrasting face or follow the animal mythology I'd wanted, and researched, to look at, to come out of the other side of my face. I thought for development it would be a good idea to sketch up both ideas - even though they'd take a long time to create. The fox was something that I felt may work more successfully then two illustrations of my face; but it was hard to relate it back to my 'online' self as such.
Another point for development was the background. My face had been easy to create as I'd had direct inspiration for that via the artists I'd looked at, however the background was something that was much harder to make 'physical' and '3d' looking - I wanted it to keep in the same theme as my face, but also pushing my limitations and making it very detailed.
I really liked the style that was beginning to come through from this piece so far. The detail in my face is something that took a long time to do, however, looks great when zoomed in - the idea was that we are detailed people so I wanted to make something that when it was examined close up it would look well done.
My next development stage was to look at either the fox/face progression on the other side, or to work on the background that needed altering as I wasn't particularly happy with it. I wanted something that was more 'flowy' and detailed, intertwining icons from social media to portray my online persona.
Old photos of me I re-cycled to use in this project. These
perfectly captured the angles I'd drawn out originally, and kept
me in minimal make up so I could illustrate myself easier.