From feedback with Jay, I thought this could be a good idea to intertwine into my project; namely, associating animals with our emotional state. Although going slightly off the basis of our self vs something else, I thought that this could be interpreted into an idea of your online vs offline self and clashing personalities that we often get with our online persona.
This took me to research into animal/spiritual meanings and what they are associated with, personality and trait wise:
Wolf - Intelligence, Social
Owl - Wisdom
Bear - Strength
Hawk - Focus
Fox - Cunning
Butterfly - Light of being, playfulness
Cat - Patience
Horse - Driving Force
Panda - Gentle Strength
Rabbit - Loneliness/Shyness
Deer - Compassion
So for example, if I were to select animals I feel would depict myself, or specifically my online vs offline self then I'd choose a Panda or a Horse, then a Rabbit to compare. I believe it's quite telling of your personality and proved for interesting research for each culture to look into. It'd also be nice to have some self portraits clashing with the animals that you choose to believe you're associated with, with what your depicted as. There's lots of viable options for mood, colour, personality etc by going down the animal route however I'm not sure how I can bring this back into my project to the Online world.