Style: A particular prodecure by which something is done; a manner of way.
In this lecture with James our focus was on style.
Cornel West is an american philosopher and activist - during the lecture we looked at a video where he elaborates on his own interpretation of style. In the video, West states that clothes aren't merly for fashion/an unexplained reason, but that they reflect the personality of the person wearing them. West went on to say that the way people dress may be a reflection of how they live and who are they are (for example, I wear a lot of black, which some may say is a way of showing my shy personality) and especially based on the branding of clothing is how are seen in society: if clothes are more expensive does this give off our wealth/well being?
Arguably, he says that if some person chose to dress in a bin bag, it would still be considered a different style to him - though most people would assert from wearing it themselves and, to some people, this isn't a 'form of style' as it's not purposely made for that reason.
"Style is not just putting on clothes, its how you present yourself to the world as your own interpretation of yourself"
Marcel Breuer is another we looked at in the lecture. A Hungarian architect and furniture designer. His take on a chair was a different way of approaching style; the Cesca chair he developed was changed from its generic style of just looking like a chair and being modified. By having the style altered and changing the way people percieve a chair, he created something that 'removed' his audiences expectations of his furniture.
"Design is the manifestation and consideration of significances, not problem solving"