Continuing on from our afternoon lecture, we looked more at the way companies approach their ways of meeting the customers. For example, 'by changing the frame, you dramatically change the way of solutions' meaning that the idea behind this is that by changing the way you look at things or appoach it from a diferent view, then the way of solving the problem or looking at it becomes drastically different - it's not black and white anymore.
'Being able to question and shift your frame of reference is an important key to enhancing your imagination because it reveals completely different insights' We, as graphic designers, especially need to take this on board because of our clients wanting to constantly have innotvative ways of approaching their company/ideas.
Our task reflected upon this, based on amigram tattoo's which show two different words looking at the perspective it's shown from, similarly this is what we as graphic designers should consider - how our audience/consumer COULD interpret our product. I chose to use black and white, two opposite colours and to merge them both together. My idea was to keep this as simple as possible because I didn't want to over-complicated things, the idea was to have the black/white as contrasting each other and slowly changing the 'BLACK' text into white text.
I first drew this out using a sharpie marker and pencil, originally the block was going to gradually get darker as you looked down the page, however I changed this so that white would then go back to black as well as this reads better on the page. The idea behind the seminar to me was quite helpful, it let me realise that I can apply this to my own work - that I need to look at things from a different perspective; I keep using different people to value my work so I know what it looks like from a 'consumer' point of view.