Space was something that was quite hard to narrow down; the amount of information we were provided on Space meant that trying to focus on one section was hard, I tried to come up with the most pivotal points for space and focus on our own solar system to make this easier to research. My focuses were on constellations, discoveries in space and any graphics that would relate to space.
I also took to researching films that were featured/relied on Space as it's setting: Interstellar, Gravity, Alien and WALL-E were points that I looked at - I wanted to also look at the graphics/fan art inspired by the movies as a way of researching them, I loved looking at the minimalist posters and ones that told the narrative in a way that wouldn't spoil the movie.
Overall, my ideas for Space were to present some form of timeline, info-graphic or video that would promote more awareness of space and the discoveries around it, I liked focusing on simplistic graphics and constellations as a way of making my work look the part.