Thursday, 15 October 2015

Physical Process: Location Drawing

For our process and production session, we explored around Huddersfield town and practiced our location drawing skills. Whilst this was not related to the course, it was nice to do something similar to my art foundation routes, and going around and exploring using perspective was good practice for me - My biggest problem is not being able to work quick enough and struggling to submit anything that isn't perfected.

These were drawn in quick time segments and whilst I kept abandoning a lot of the sketches to start out with, I was quite happy with how some of them turned out, mostly because I don't think I'm that good of an artist. My particular focus, on the LLOYD's logo and horse, stood out to me because of the way I've filled in the logo using small sketches/etches from a fine liner. 

I particularly struggled with getting the perspective right, this was hard for me because I couldn't always do this as quickly as possible and ended up rushing a lot of it. Although rushed, I am quite happy with the outcome, and attempted to trace sections of my work using illustrator. 

Finished Page