Monday, 19 October 2015

Seminar: Graphic Styles

Using the library as my secondary resource, I decided to research graphic styles in more depth instead of picking one and reseaching that entirely. The book, "Graphic Style: From Victorian to New Century" by Steven Heller and Seymour Chwast, is updated every few years with more modern graphic movements, such as Street Art and Hand Lettering.

My chosen focus was "Victorian" style of graphics, which was taken from the Industrial Revoultion. Because of the economical downturn of the 19th century, wealth became the sole interest after the Revolution;
"Between the end of the eighteen century and the iddle of the ninenteeth, the once profound English sense of social, civic and artistic responsibility diminished. Wealth became in effect for motivating cultural force"
The artists referred back to the Victorian era as a sense of power/wealth and decided to use this to improve the standards of aesthetics (So in contrast to the Industrial Revolution) This movement was partically not developed and an invention, but responded to the state of the economy and the mean to gain wealth back.

 The movement has been under critic because the Victorians taste confused designs and functions, meaning that they were over-complex and not simplified down. Artist Critic and architect Agust Welby wrote;
"How many objects of ordinary use are rendered monstrous and ridculous simply because the artist, instead of seeking the most convient form and then decorating it, has embodied some extravagance to conceal the real purpose for which the object has been made"
I also learned throuh reading that the Victorian style influenced advertising in particular with graphics, and started the idea of using them together. It was a way of presenting "rewards for the Victorian life-style"

Altough this is a old movement (spanning between 1820's and 1900's) it is particularly influencial because of the 'circus' style themes of text and the use of advertising, which is used hugely in the 21st century. The book also showed expansion on every other movement and proved an interesting read, I really enjoyed presenting it to my peers.