One of the final process and production sessions with Jay covered the use of Cinema 4D and textures. Like all the sessions, I found this to be one of the most helpful ones - it proved informative and I learned so much that previously I hadn't known. One of the things that I'd like to have done differently in this sessions is to not storm ahead and think that I can learn things on my own, as Jay had to come over and revert my work that I'd done. Although I thought at this point I was quite comfortable with Cinema 4D, I did create a lot of errors in my work that had to be reverted. This made me feel a bit unconfident in the software that I was using, although the outcome of the work I was actually immensely happy with. The software is so experimental, so that means the majority of the work can be made flexible and personal to you, so no two work is the same.
One of the things I love about Jay's sessions is how much I learn. Although it feels like a lot to take in at first, the restriction of phones means that we can "wire ourselves" in and learn everything without any distractions. This was always a good thing for me as C4D was a software that I was least confident in this year - so it was nice to finally sit down and learn it without feeling too nervous.
I really enjoyed the experimental stage of learning this software, as it means there's nothing that can really go wrong in terms of changing the shape - just because yours doesn't look like someone elses doesn't mean it's wrong, and although we were semi-restricted based on colour and pattern, we could still stylise it personally. One of my favourite outcomes was the final one we did, as it looked so realistic - one of the things about C4D was that it didn't really look digitally created sometimes.
The other thing about the software was how different you can make the outcomes based off what you change - lighting, colour, tone, illumination etc.
Cinema 4D was quickly becoming one of my favourite software to use, based off how easy it was to create something, and the fact there were so many tutorials online meant that it was quite easy to create something that I liked.
In general, I loved these sessions as I learned so much and could apply it to other projects, and I could also go out of my own time and personalise it to what I wanted to do, which I did in the latest session with Jay.