Monday, 21 November 2016

Presentation Development 3

I’d presented my first PDF to Tracy. At first, I really struggled to find the confidence to present this - I write in incoherent language, not making sense in long sentences, and I’m not very confident at all at presentation. Following on from lots of rehearsal and making sure the work was as minimal as possible, to ensure I’d be quite confident at writing, the PDF went well (or so I’d thought)

The problem with theory is it never made sense to me - I could never seem to gain clarification on what exactly was the right way to approach this topic, and sort of the relevance behind it to my course. Despite this I still managed to come up with a subject that gained some approval from teachers and also something that I would find interesting enough to be able to write an essay on it. Last year, this was my weakest grade, and it still is - I’m not perfect at english nor gaining the theory behind anything, I’m more of a person who’s better at designing and focusing on making something just look nice. 

This would then gather me a few issues with trying to create meaning behind my work, such as the current brief or the PDF work. I’d always try to heavily research what I wanted my work to look like but could never grasp the concept quite as well as I wanted.

My feedback from Tracy consisted of the following:
  • You provide an overview of each ident, their target audience, identity, nostalgic references, and Britishness. Very well prepared and presented, clearly delivering your personal insights into the perceived identities You take quite a personal approach and consideration of the elements, you demonstrate a level of analysis and understanding of the elements at play here…. To reach a direction of enquiry - Do idents help the channel branding? But I feel you are misinterpreting a fundamental understanding of the role of branding and the techniques and influences involved – you can take this further – By investigating how idents originated – the impact they have and why they work – deconstruct branding and what makes us desire, prefer or choose a particular channel More indepth and coherent case study examples will add breadth, depth and insight and a clearer direction of enquiry and a more coherent question to explore Consider some theorists and experts, their opinions will help you gain a fuller understanding of the influences.

What I’d garnered from the Feedback was that my general overview of each PDF proved successful, however I needed to look more in-depth at each of my chosen subject - I understand what my topic was, but the insights proved quite personal (which is what my chosen idea was, I thought this would be more to my advantage instead of a negative point) and I needed to take my research further and gain a full understanding of why indents are created, why they work and a coherent study of the theory behind idents. 

This was quite a hard concept to come across for me - I still needed some clarification as to what this would entitle as this was quite hard for me to understand. I wanted to start creating how idents originated, the impact they have… so this would be the next form of research for me. I’d probably end up asking Poilna again about how this would make sense and how I’d create something that would be more cohesive for me, and make something that would me easy for me to understand and not overcomplicated theory behind it.