The way technology and social interact. For example, how people are shaped, or their activities by technology. It makes it extremely easy to contact a variety of people that you may not have ever seen before without the internet, all over the globe. The concept is that the internet or technology has become a extension of ourselves as such.
If this would be associated to me, as the project I want to undertake would be at a personal level, then I could justify this by saying that I would have never made contact with my best friend without the internet - it shaped my personality, my friendships, how I made decisions based from her.
Network Ego
What is being said and what is being hidden? The idea that, online, you may not be the same person you are in real life. The internet is great at hiding things you do not wish to be seen, by making yourself a branded product. One example of this is Amalia Ulman, taking photographs to instagram that were purposely formed into a certain way that would look normalised in every day life, but also "perfected" every day life.
Celebrities (seen left, Selena Gomez) make up a good example of this - they, and their marketing team, perfect the shots/videos/promo that they want to show to the fans or press. However these are all cleverly branded in a certain way to give an image of a person. Gomez, for example, posting pictures with fans, branded photos with Coke, and dolled up shots, clearly not showing her everyday life as you and I would live it.
If this associated to myself, I would agree with the idea that we market ourselves in different ways. I, for example, post instagram shots that are positioned in a certain way that position me as someone who has an artsy-style life. I post pictures based off my interests, but create them in a way that visually looks pleasing - so it's not entirely accurate.
Consider your Autopoiesis your ‘self making’ — ‘self poetry’, your identity and its subsequent interactions with others. How do I interact with someone else? What does this say about me, how I type, my profile picture, my way of interpreting things? Am I marketing myself as someone I'm not? These are questions I'd like to explore in my research and possibly my finished outcome, as I feel this is something that is happening with almost everyone that joins social media. You are only making a polished version of yourself and it's very rare to have raw, unedited persona.