Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Physical Process: Object Drawing

For my final physical process session, the focus of the afternoon was objects. Much to my dismissal, we were tasked with drawing from observation with as much precision as possible. Previously in my other drawing sessions I was much more able to do free, less-precise drawings as these were easier for me to do and required less planning, so I was able to create more colourful pieces.

Although at first I did struggle to approach the drawings, trying to plan out the lines, I found that if I quickly sketched out the drawings and then went in with more precise lines this was a better way of me approaching this because it allowed me room to mess up.

On my first table were letters of different sizes and shapes, all 3D models. Although I only had to select one drawing to use perspective lines from, I started using this to get a grasp on the distance between the two letters I'd chosen and the different heights. As what usually happens, I always seem to run out of time as this is a lot longer process than I thought, I again used markers to keep improving my skills - it became a lot more easier to use than last time, quickly I learned how to create a gradient effect. Although it was definitely not a perfect drawing I was immensely pleased with how it came out because of the time it took me to learn how to create shadows; I ran out of time on my last piece but wanted to challenge myself so started sketching out a more complicated design. The 'R' was done by layering up different shades of grey markers and overlapping them so they would blend together to create a seamless gradient.

My second observational drawing was a lot more about getting the perspective right than the last. Since I'd played around a lot more with my markers in the first drawing, I wanted to improve my skills in perspective - something I find I'm quite bad at. The process was a lot of trial and error on drawing the lines, I wanted to make sure it didn't look off and spent most of the hour doing this. Although it's not perfect I'm happier with the perspective on this one than my first drawing, meaning some improvement.

Finally, my focus for this drawing was detail and shading. Using the markers that I found, I tried to make the object almost 3D by using the lighter colours inside and working outwards, and focused on the detail of such a simple object - a plug. Ideally I'd have want to spend more time on the perspective as I think this might be a little off, but drawing this from free-hand was something I was quite happy with.

Overall I'm quite pleased with how I've improved during the session, I learnt a great deal from trying to get the perspective right on things which is what I struggle with most.