Thursday, 8 October 2015

After Effects: Novel

As an introduction to After Effects, we explored From Form - a design studio who makes short films and motion design. Their video was filmed using both digital and hand-crafted work; the transactions were eye-catching, colourful and humorous whilst getting to the point.

 For our own project in After Effects, I chose the novel James and The Giant Peach, by Roald Dahl. The aim was to make a 10+ second clip using over 10 frames for a short summary/intro to the novel. Created in Photoshop, I focused on orange as the primary colour. My focus on transaction effects was for them to be quite choppy and relevant to the novel (the peach and the ladybirds across the screen),

Saul Bass's Posters

My work felt very similar to Saul Bass, who was an graphic designer most famous for this style of work, which was based around silhouettes and simple, colourful layouts. The minimalist style is still eye-catching and Bass used shapes and text in a creative way which would clearly display the plot of the film. After I'd researched him, I decided to incorporate this into my work, by adding textures and playing with layer styles more.